Nagavalli is an upcoming telugu movie starting Venkatesh, Anushka, Kamalinee Mukherjee, Richa Gangopadhyay, Sraddha Das and Poonam Kaur in the lead roles.P.Vasu is directing the movie.Venkatesh ‘Nagavalli’ or Chandramukhi -2 will be released on Dec 2nd.
Nagavalli is a supernatural thriller, story of the movie revolves around the lead characters living in a house in Mysore, film takes a twist when a family member receives Nagavalli portrait as a prize in Nagavalli Dance competition, after which all the characters start facing abnormal experiences. In order to save themselves and unfold the mystery, family looks up to Ramachandra Acharya and Dr. Vijay.
Cast : Venkatesh, Anushka Shetty, Richa Gangopadhyay, Shraddha Das, Poonam Kaur, Kamalinee Mukherjee and others
Music : Gurukiran
Director : P. Vasu
Producer : Bellamkonda Suresh
Release Date : December 2, 2010
Nagavalli Songs List :
1. Ghirani
2. Khelo Khelo
3. Omkaaram
4. Ra Ra Remix
5. Ra Ra Remix 2
6. Vandanaalu
Nagavalli Songs